
Alex Bannister

Alex Bannister Profile Photo
Special Counsel
Alex Bannister Profile Photo

Alex has been acting in commercial disputes – with a focus on property related disputes – since 2005.

He has a pragmatic and commercial approach to disputes with an emphasis on resolving matters before they escalate.


Alex advises major ASX listed corporate entities (both landlords and tenants) across Australia in a variety of commercial and property disputes.

He has dealt with a variety of issues including redevelopment of major shopping centres, lease terminations, make good and unconscionable conduct claims.

Alex also deals with complex contractual disputes and claims arising under the Corporations Act (such as oppressive conduct) and regularly delivers seminars to clients and industry groups.

Career highlights

Alex's experience includes acting for:

  • Stockland in a number of Supreme Court of Queensland matters relating to the relocation of Townsville Shopping Centre tenants to facilitate the tenancy of H&M
  • a developer in a $100m joint venture dispute / oppression claim
  • a national developer in a complex contractual dispute arising from lease and option agreements relating to the construction of childcare centres
  • GPT against a former Highpoint Shopping Centre tenant in proceedings at VCAT and in subsequent bankruptcy proceedings.