
Anthony Kearns

Image > Team Member > Anthony Kearns
Practice Group Leader, Consulting
Image > Team Member > Anthony Kearns

Anthony helps General Counsel to enhance the performance and value of the legal supply chain to the organisations they serve. He believes that in-house lawyers have never been more important than they are now but in-house practice is less sustainable than ever. He will help your team not only perform better but thrive.


Anthony has extensive experience working with the General Counsel and in-house legal teams of many of Australia's largest companies. He also provides individual executive coaching to General Counsel and Heads of Legal. Although he spent the first 10 years of his career working as a lawyer in a number of large law firms Anthony has spent the last 18 years working as a senior executive and consultant in risk management, organisational development, business development and client relationship management.

When working with a client, Anthony first engages the leadership team of the in-house legal function to deeply understand their objectives from any intervention. He then uses tools such as embedded observational analysis, cultural analysis and user experience interviewing and analysis to deeply understand the current operation and experience of the legal supply chain. Armed with this knowledge, he and his team work with legal teams to agree their purpose and strategy and to design and implement changes which will enhance the value of the entire legal supply chain to the business.

Anthony also works with General Counsels and their leadership teams to build capability in leading adaptive change. Together with the iHub, he is able to support legal teams in developing and implementing enabling technology as part of a coordinated strategy to enhance their efficiency and performance.

Career highlights

  • working with the senior leadership team of the legal function of a Big 4 bank to develop their purpose and strategy
  • working with the entire legal function of an ASX 20 retail company to design improvements to the efficiency and performance of the function
  • user experience interviewing, analysis and strategy development with the leadership team of the legal function of an ASX 20 retail company
  • working with the senior leaders of the legal function in an international mining company to develop their purpose and strategy
  • comprehensive leadership development intervention with the senior leadership team of the legal function of an ASX 20 construction company
  • comprehensive leadership development intervention with the senior leadership team of the legal function in a Big 4 bank
  • individual executive coaching with numerous General Counsel and Heads of Legal from ASX 50 companies