
Carolina Arricobene

Senior Associate

Carolina is a Senior Associate in Lander & Rogers' Family & Relationship Law team. She is pragmatic and compassionate in assisting clients to navigate the complexities of the family law system.

Having worked exclusively in family law since 2016, including serving as a Legal Associate to two Judges of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, Carolina has a unique and comprehensive understanding across the many aspects of a family law dispute. Carolina aims to resolve matters commercially and creatively to achieve the best results for her clients.


Carolina’s passion for family law extends beyond her practice as a lawyer at Lander & Rogers. She has contributed to the family law profession through her roles as author and contributor for Dickey’s Annotated Family Law, volunteer solicitor for Marrickville Legal Centre, and as a lecturer in family law at Western Sydney University.

Carolina has expertise across the spectrum of disputes that fall within the scope of family law, including complex property and financial settlements, disputes involving children, family violence, breakdown of de facto relationships, asset protection and pre nuptial agreements. Where these disputes cannot be resolved through alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Carolina is experienced in litigation within the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of NSW.

Career highlights

Carolina's career highlights include:

  • successfully obtaining a recovery order from the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia in circumstances where children were removed from the family home and relocated unilaterally by one parent
  • resolving complex property, spouse maintenance and child support matters at mediation without the need for further litigation, including matters involving assets held overseas
  • advocating for and negotiating on behalf of vulnerable clients with respect to parenting matters on a pro bono basis
  • authoring an article on Alternative Dispute Resolution which was published in the International Family Law Journal
  • assisting with the legal and social science research on gender dysphoria for the Family Court, after having authored an Honours thesis on this topic