
Edward Lyons

Image > Team Member > Ed Lyons
Senior Associate
Image > Team Member > Ed Lyons

Edward is a corporate and commercial lawyer who advises across the IT, telecommunications, energy, financial services, and retail and supply chain sectors. He works with a wide range of international, not-for-profit, government and local organisations including EnergyAustralia, Expedia, the Department of Industry, Destination NSW and Sydney Trains.


Edward's areas of expertise include:

  • advising in relation to corporate governance and board and constitution issues including to not-for-profits and incorporated associations
  • compliance advice in relation to the development, protection and commercialisation of intellectual property, data protection and privacy
  • trademark application, opposition and advice for both local and international clients
  • preparation, negotiation and review of various commercial contracts and agreements including software as a service, supply, manufacturing and distribution agreements
  • due diligence, new entity incorporation, document drafting and review and running completion of cross-border M&A transactions

Career highlights

Edward's career highlights include:

  • project lead and commercial and consumer advice in relation to major Australian energy company's rollout of NBN and telecommunications products
  • a New Zealand based client on a dispute in relation to a software licence agreement and provision of third party access
  • a wholesale importer of medical goods in relation to complex competition issues
  • a superannuation fund undertake a tender process for a new IT operating system
  • project managing IT service providers transitions to a software-as-a-service business model