
Lander & Rogers Connect - Streamline your legal operations

Image > Landers Connect - streamline your legal operations

In-house teams are under growing pressure to deliver advanced technological business solutions particularly during these unprecedented times. Whether you need to streamline the way your team works and communicates, leverage metrics to make informed decisions, or simply demonstrate the value of your department — Lander & Rogers Connect can help.

Lander & Rogers Connect powered by HighQ is an intuitive collaboration platform which streamlines legal service delivery and operations by enabling sensitive information to be shared instantly using the most advanced technology available. Lander & Rogers Connect delivers efficiencies through:

Matter management - Centralise all matter information and collaboration in one place for complete visibility of your active legal matters with live status updates.

Document management - Collaborate, exchange and share key documents securely from anywhere with simple drag and drop upload and seamless document download capabilities.

Portfolio management - Collaborate and communicate on matters and projects easily with external lawyers and providers, ensuring certainty and transparency.

Lander & Rogers Connect offers a host of features including:


Visualise – Quickly surface real-time insight in engaging charts, graphs and dashboards.


Manage – Plan and deliver work more efficiently with agile task-based project management tools.


Collaborate – Send fewer emails with social collaboration tools that improve communication.


Inform – Capture, manage and share legal knowledge and insight to drive better decision-making.


Notify – Automate tasks and notifications to ensure all stakeholders are kept informed.


Analyse – Track performance and operational data to validate KPIs and make informed decisions.

Lander & Rogers Connect is a secure cloud-based platform that is fully audited and accredited to meet information security standards. HighQ is ISO27001 certified, which ensures the controls and processes are in place to protect your data. There are robust security measures including disaster recovery, data back-up and a fully redundant infrastructure to guarantee uptime. It is a single-tenancy hosting and we can set any further restrictions by enabling the Two-Factor authentication, IP address restriction and site level passwords. If you would like to learn more about how Lander & Rogers Connect can optimise the way your legal department operates, please contact Michelle Grossmann or view the brochure here.

All information on this site is of a general nature only and is not intended to be relied upon as, nor to be a substitute for, specific legal professional advice. No responsibility for the loss occasioned to any person acting on or refraining from action as a result of any material published can be accepted.

Key contacts

Michelle Bey

Chief Innovation Officer & Transformation Lead

Joel Kennedy

Head of Client Projects