
Eleanor Lau

Eleanor Lau Profile Photo
Eleanor Lau Profile Photo

Eleanor is an Accredited Family Law Specialist who practises exclusively in family & relationship law. Eleanor assists clients in all areas of family law including property settlement, spousal maintenance, parenting matters, financial agreements, child support, and international family law matters.


Eleanor is well-versed in advising clients across the spectrum of family law issues and has particular expertise in financial matters involving complex structures such as trusts, companies and partnerships, including where assets are held both within Australia and overseas.

Eleanor is also experienced in complex parenting matters, particularly in cases that cross international jurisdictions. She is a Fellow of International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL), a worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries. Eleanor co-authored the Australian chapter of Chambers & Partners' 2024 Global Child Relocation Guide, a comprehensive resource for family law professionals and family law litigants around the world.

Eleanor is a member of the Specialist Accreditation Family Law Advisory Committee, which is responsible in overseeing and assessing other family lawyers in gaining their specialist accreditation. She is one of only a small number of Cantonese and Mandarin speaking family lawyers in New South Wales who have attained the specialist accreditation in family law.

Eleanor is recognised by Doyle's Guide as a Leading Family & Divorce Lawyer in both Australia and New South Wales. Eleanor is also named by Doyle's Guide as a Leading Family Parenting & Children's Matters Lawyer in New South Wales.

Career highlights

Eleanor's experience includes acting for and advising:

  • clients with complex financial matters involving assets held in Australia and corporate entities based in overseas countries
  • clients who are expats in countries including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Dubai, and who are seeking to relocate to Australia with young children following a separation
  • clients with complex financial agreements, where assets are held in Australia and overseas
  • third parties who have provided funds to one of the parties to a relationship, seeking to intervene in financial proceedings
  • on child support issues for a matter based in Singapore and giving evidence as an expert witness in those proceedings.