
Keely O'Dowd

Special Counsel

Keely is a special counsel in Lander & Rogers' Technology and Digital practice, specialising in technology projects, privacy and cybersecurity. She has over a decade of experience advising a diverse range of clients.


Keely advises on a broad range of technology transactions, including IT procurement, outsourcing and software licensing. This work includes drafting and advising on a range of IT procurement, software implementation and supply agreements. Keely also advises on privacy and cybersecurity, including responding to and managing data breaches, privacy laws compliance and data security issues.

Keely advises private and public sector clients, including ASX listed companies, start-ups, not-for-profit organisations and public sector bodies. Keely has previously worked as a commercial in-house lawyer for Federal and Victorian government agencies. During this time, she acquired a broad range of experience advising on commercial agreements, procurement, regulatory matters, privacy, legal policy and legislation development.

Keely's areas of expertise include:

  • technology
  • privacy
  • cybersecurity
  • intellectual property

Career highlights

Keely's career highlights include:

  • advising a utility company on a Customer Transformation and Systems Integration Project to upgrade its billing system. This work involved drafting a master services agreement and providing advice on statements of work and procurement strategy
  • advising a utility company on the procurement of Enterprise Resourcing software. This work involved reviewing and negotiating vendor software terms and conditions
  • advising an agribusiness company on its Digital Enterprise Project to implement a new enterprise resourcing planning platform for its business, including drafting and negotiating a software and services agreement and statements of work
  • advising overseas-based software vendors regarding various State Government technology framework agreements, including reviewing and negotiating the terms and conditions of State Government ICT contracts with government agencies
  • advising a peak sporting governing body regarding the renewal of a sport management platform. This involved reviewing and negotiating a master supply agreement with a sports management software vendor
  • assisting a start-up company with the development of an application, including reviewing and negotiating a software development agreement, preparing application end user terms, a privacy policy and website use terms
  • advising a financial services technology start-up company regarding the preparation and negotiation of software as a service implementation agreements with various financial institutions, reviewing and drafting non-disclosure agreements and other commercial agreements
  • conducting a privacy health assessment on a health insurance company's privacy compliance practices
  • advising a European-based luxury fashion brand on Australian privacy laws compliance and management of its globally integrated customer database
  • assisting a fleet management company to manage and respond to a complex data breach, including advising on mandatory notification requirements to the regulator and affected customers and coordinating the completion of a forensic investigation of the breach.