Regulatory and Compliance

Lander & Rogers is a full-service law firm with deep knowledge of commercial enterprise and regulatory compliance. We're a responsive and affable commercial law team that delivers comprehensive and cost-effective compliance support.

Our expertise is grounded in many years advising regulated entities as well as government authorities. We've provided advice and representation during some of Australia's most significant investigations and inquiries into corporate conduct.

Talk to us about how we can help you manage your corporate compliance obligations.

Corporate affairs

Our lawyers regularly advise some of Australia's most recognisable entities. We have deep knowledge of corporate rules and regulations and have worked extensively on public listings and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).

Our expertise and services include:

  • mergers and acquisitions
  • financial reporting
  • continuous disclosure
  • securities and investments
  • ASX listings
  • IPO strategy and management
  • shareholder rights and remedies

Corporate governance

We know that the approach for best-practice corporate governance varies from entity to entity, and governance needs change as a business evolves. Our advice considers existing and emerging legislation, the purpose of the entity, the composition of the governing body and the stakeholder landscape. We help with establishing a governance model that promotes improved performance and desired outcomes, while meeting regulatory requirements.

Our expertise includes:

  • board member duties and responsibilities
  • protocols and governance policies
  • implementation of board reviews
  • insurance
  • statutory reporting obligations
  • probity reviews and implementation

Competition and consumer

We routinely provide close support to companies in relation to Australian competition and consumer laws.

Our expertise and services include:

  • entry into new markets
  • mergers and acquisition
  • regulated transactions
  • market power and cartel conduct
  • exclusive dealing and third line forcing
  • resale price maintenance
  • retail and product liability

Privacy and data security

The storage and transmission of personal information and data is tightly regulated in Australia and overseas. We advise organisations seeking to meet their obligations and mitigate reputational risk.

Our expertise and services include:

  • strategies and systems
  • privacy disclosures for employees, customers and investors
  • preparation of privacy notices
  • breaches and complaints
  • disclosure between related entities
  • emerging and established businesses
  • Australian and international law

Financial services

Australia's finance sector remains under scrutiny in the wake of the Financial Services Royal Commission. Implementing new financial technologies and services requires specialist knowledge of Australian and international laws. We routinely advise companies on navigating associated compliance risks.

Foreign investment

Australia is an ideal destination for strategic foreign investment. We focus on acquisitions, divestments, joint business structures, restructures, and operational legal requirements to help foreign direct investors thrive in the Australian marketplace.

Our expertise and services include:

  • incorporation of Australian companies
  • acquisitions, takeovers and takeover defence measures
  • joint ventures
  • international crossborder transactions
  • the application of Australia’s foreign investment regulatory scheme and obtaining approval of the Foreign Investment Review Board
  • employee incentive schemes
  • corporate governance and officer liability

Inquiries, investigations and hearings

Our lawyers have worked on some of Australia's most significant investigations and inquiries into corporate and professional conduct. We understand how to navigate proceedings in a way that minimises financial and reputational costs.

Our expertise and services include:

  • inquiries and royal commissions
  • ASIC, ACCC and WorkCover matters
  • state and federal ombudsman matters
  • disciplinary hearings and professional boards
  • advice on investigations and document seizures

Compliance solutions

We specialise in helping companies cost-effectively identify and mitigate compliance risk. Our lawyers have experience in sectors ranging from retail, health and financial services, to sport, recreation and workplace relations.

Through our iHub, we work with our clients to co-design digital systems that streamline and automate compliance activities.

Our expertise and services include:

  • compliance audits
  • compliance strategies
  • process and system design
  • technological solutions