Lander & Rogers hosted a workshop with our community engagement partner, the Cathy Freeman Foundation, as part of its Horizons Program.
The firm has worked in partnership with the Cathy Freeman Foundation since 2010 to support positive life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Through our legal work and community engagement, we have supported the Foundation's objectives to build pathways to a brighter future through education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, initially on Palm Island and, more recently, nationally.
The Horizons Program is a week-long intensive personal development experience focused on post-school education and employment pathways for secondary students. The aim is for students to return to school with a greater sense of self-esteem, confidence, social skills, and a new sense of purpose.
14 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students and their teachers traveled from remote communities in Australia, including Elcho Island and the Tiwi Islands in the Northern Territory and Woorabinda and Palm Island in Queensland, to join the workshop. Lawyers and Business Services staff from Lander & Rogers shared stories and insight into their careers. Our lawyers also gave legal empowerment workshops to the students on employment law, family law, and artists rights.
The students shared their dreams and aspirations for the future, and discussed the challenges that they may face in achieving their goals. They were then assisted by Landers staff to prepare for a speech that they would deliver to their peers on the final day of the program.
It was an incredibly rewarding day for everyone involved.
You can read more about our community engagement relationships in our Reconciliation Action Plan..