
Catherine Hillis

Catherine Hillis Profile Photo
Special Counsel
Catherine Hillis Profile Photo

Catherine is an accredited family law specialist who practises exclusively in family and relationship law. She was previously employed as a Legal Associate to the Honourable Justice Cronin in the Family Court of Australia. Her personal understanding of the courts complements her strong analytical and commercial skills and empathic approach. Catherine is committed to achieving the best results for her clients.


Catherine has experience in all areas of family law from financial agreements, complex financial and property matters to parenting disputes. Prior to working in family law, she worked at a commercial firm, gaining experience in insolvency and banking and finance law. This experience forms the foundation of her strategic approach to family law matters and particularly complex property matters.

Catherine's areas of expertise include:

  • property settlements (including negotiated agreements, mediation and defended litigation);
  • financial agreements for couples who are in or contemplating a de facto relationship or marriage;
  • parenting matters for the care of children, including those that involve interstate and international relocation;
  • child support and spousal maintenance matters;
  • superannuation split issues;
  • family violence intervention orders; and
  • divorce.

Catherine has a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Laws (Hons), and Diploma of Modern Languages (Spanish) from the University of Melbourne.