
Scott Traeger

Scott Traeger
Scott Traeger

Scott is an experienced commercial litigator specialising in defamation, intellectual property, sports law and regulatory matters.


Scott has significant expertise in all aspects of defamation law and brand protection and regularly represents companies, publishers and individuals. He also regularly assists clients with respect to competition and consumer law.

He is experienced handling large and complex litigation and is well regarded by clients for his strategic advice and attention to detail. Often, he has assisted companies and individuals to liaise with and defend claims made against them by regulators such as the ACCC and Consumer Affairs Victoria.

In addition to his corporate work, Scott has significant experience in the field of sports law and regularly advises state and national sporting organisations.

Career highlights

Scott's experience includes acting for:

  • barrister Damian Sheales in a defamation claim against The Age newspaper and others
  • The Reject Shop in respect of a prosecution commenced against it by the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria
  • various national sporting organisations in respect of selection appeals commenced against them by members
  • the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner for a defamation claim commenced against the Commissioner by a practitioner
  • a large manufacturing company to pursue an investigation and civil action against senior staff members for fraudulent misappropriation of company funds.