
Sophie Brown

Image > Team Member > Sophie Brown
Senior Associate
Image > Team Member > Sophie Brown

Sophie has experience in a range of advisory and litigious employment law matters for public and private sector clients. Sophie enjoys working closely with clients to manage large-scale projects, using innovation and technology to deliver pragmatic outcomes.


Sophie has experience in a range of advisory and litigious employment law matters for public and private sector clients. Sophie enjoys working closely with clients to manage large-scale projects, using innovation and technology to deliver pragmatic outcomes.

Sophie's areas of expertise include:

  • unfair dismissal and adverse action;
  • breach of contract;
  • post-employment restraints of trade;
  • bullying, harassment, victimisation and anti-discrimination;
  • industrial relations disputes and enterprise bargaining; and
  • occupational health and safety.

Career highlights

Sophie's career highlights include:

  • advising and assisting a tertiary institution to automate its employment contracts;
  • conducting large-scale audits of a national employer's compliance with workplace legislation and regulations;
  • delivering live and interactive online training nationally, for a national employer;
  • assisting a large health care provider to successfully defend an unfair dismissal dispute in the Fair Work Commission;
  • assisting a state emergency services organisation in litigation in the Supreme Court of Victoria;
  • assisting a national retailer litigate a former employee's breach of contract in the Supreme Court of Victoria;
  • advising on the status of independent contractors and employees at a large tertiary institution and a boutique consultancy firm;
  • appearing in the Magistrates' Court of Victoria in occupational health and safety prosecutions and an environmental protection prosecution; and
  • a secondment as Legal Counsel with one of Australia's largest employers.